What's going on at Day Spring? CSA sign ups and more!

Farmer Johnny enjoying a tillage radish! It’s actually a cover crop designed to loosen our hard mountain soil, but the children found them tasty! We are busy getting ready for the first veggie pick up since moving our farm to wild, wonderful West Virginia! Don’t worry, no tillage radishes in the shares this week! We will be enjoying carrots, potaotes, aurugula, romanesco (cauli/ broc cross) and more!

It’s not too late to sign up for the Winter season or just try out the month of November! Either sign up online or reply to this email to get wholesome, healthy food headed your way!

We have a batch of meat chickens that will be ready to harvest along side the turkeys at the end of this month. They and we are grateful for the warm days we are having and grass and bugs still available! We had our first WV born calf born Sunday, a nice little bull calf. The farmer children named him Billy Boo. Boo being Pennsylvania Dutch for boy. Our Amish neighbors think it’s funny when our children pick up dutch words from them. It was amazing living among all the fall colors in the mountains, reminding us our help comes from the hills.

Psalm 121

121 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.

He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber.

Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand.

The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night.

The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he shall preserve thy soul.

The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in from this time forth, and even for evermore.

Blessings friends!

On track for VEGGIE and MEAT CSA to start this week!

This week’s news:

We are excited to be growing things again and will begin Winter CSA drop offs this week (friday morning). We are working with some other local farms to offer a wide variety while we get all things growing here at our new Day Spring location! Everything will still be organically grown!

We will offer the half share size for winter, but if you need a full share you can still order that (for the discounted rate) and just get two boxes each week. Prices and details are online now and we will send weekly emails alerting you about the extras that you can order each week. Pick up for veggies and extras will be Tuesday/Wednesday and Friday/Saturday.

Reserve your veggie’s today!

Order your extras this week:

Cottage cheese, Yogurt, Blueberry pies, pumpkin cheese cake bars and Thanksgiving Turkey!

Things to look forward to:

There was a big shortage of strawberry plants this year so strawberries could be harder to find next year. Good news is we got plenty planted and they are looking good! Also keep an eye out for Amish donuts, we’ll be offering them from our neighbors soon!

Happy Fall Y’all!

The Bakers

October Meat Shares

Hello friends! We are excited to have made great progress on our new farm, it’s been a big year for us! We welcomed our baby in June and have been overjoyed to spend much needed family time together settling in and rebuilding our farm.

The building of the big greenhouse! Many hands blessed us on our big move and we are so thankful!

We are ready to roll with our October meat shares for pick up at Fort Bacon Farm (If you don’t want a meat share be sure to check their freezers for lots of cuts of meat for sale from their farm)! Also we are begun stocking the fridge weekly with the Baker girls baked goods, first come first served. We plan to announce the details of the winter veggie CSA in the next week, so stay tuned! There will be limited space and past members will have first access.

Please respond to this email to get a meat share delivered next Tuesday (October 8th). We will also have extras available for preorder, so check that form as well.

Blessings to you all!

The Bakers

Now taking orders for black raspberries!!

Our neighbors have these dilicious berries ready! Never sprayed, grown naturally! We can deliver for Tuesday/ Wednesday and Tursday/Friday pick up at Fort Bacon Farm. Email us your order and we’ll put them in the milk fridge with your name. Pints $6 each or 5 or more for $5 each (the freeze well for baking or smoothies). Some will be available in the fridge, but to reserve them please email us. Enjoy!

Veggies have arrived!

Between all the newness happening for us here at our new location we have been delayed in getting our new veggie system out of the ground and into your kitchens! We have decided to have a gentle start back into the CSA by offering veggies first come first served in the store at Fort Bacon Farm. For this week you will find baby head lettuce, kohlrabi, radishes, beets and a light purple cauliflower! Prices are marked and there is now a payment box for Day Spring Farm there as well as a venmo code. NOTE: we will not be doing billing for veggies at this time so please either leave cash/check or pay with venmo. We will keep you posted as things change. Milk and eggs are available at your normal pick up days and veggies are self serve Mon-Sat 8 am to 8 pm at Fort Bacon Farm store! Enjoy! We will be taking orders for raspberries starting next week. Details to follow. Bulk orders welcome as supplies last. If you need meat for June please let us know otherwise we will resume meat shares for July as planned.

Thank you!

April Meat share

Hi Friends,

Setting up our new farm has taken a little more effort than we imagined with the set backs of no electricity, high winds, smoke from forest fires and then lots of rain! We are thankful for some nice weather today! We are behind in getting your April meat to you! Veggies will likely be back in May (little behind there also). We will be dropping pre packed meat shares (you may either take farmers choice or fill out a meat request form on the website), at Fort Bacon Farm this Thursday the 11th at 6 PM. We will also have Friday/Saturday milk available then if that is your normal pick up time for milk. Milk will still be there for Friday/Saturday if you don’t come Thursday. If you can’t make Thursday at 6 PM please let us know and we will figure something out with you.

In order to recieve your meat share for April, please repy to this email and place an order for it. We will then bill you and we must recieve payment prior to delivery. Thanks for your patience as we learn new systems of serving you!


THe Bakers

Clarifing changes to farm store

Dear Friends,

Here are some important updates, thanks for your patience as we pack our farm, care for the animals and keep you informed:

***Farm store will close FEBRUARY 25th and reopen in the new location (Fort Bacon Farm 36258 Snickersville Tpk. Purcellville, VA 20132) on FEBRUARY 27th.

*** Milk and egg orders will continue uninterrupted and veggies will pause starting Feb. 24th.

***Remember if you don’t drop your empty milk jars off on the day you pick up, you will not recieve milk the next week.

***Please choose either Tuesday/Wednesday or Friday/Saturday for pick up at Fort Bacon. Reply to this email to inform us of your choice.

Thanks and many Blessings,

The Bakers

With Great Joy we announce......

We will be moving our farm at the end of February, but will still be close enough to serve you! We are so grateful to the Lord for providing a larger farm for us, and thankful to our community for all the years of allowing us to serve you. We will continue to serve the local community by offering milk, veggies and eggs at our dear friends farm in Philomont, va. Fort Bacon Farm, who also farms sustainably, will be kindly allowing people to pick up at their farm store. Watch facebook for details. Their farm store is also located at their home so please be mindful that the hours end at 8 pm and they may have children or animals in the driveway. Like ours it is a working family farm! Location: 36258 Snickersville tpk, Purcellville, va 20132

Pick up will remain here until Feb. 26th, 2024.

You will have access to their great products as well when you pick up, remember Day Spring Farm items will be done through CSA and preorder only.

Current members:

If you have space in your freezer please stock up in Feb for your March meat as well, we won’t be deliverying meat in March. Veggies will stop in March and we will let you know when we get everything growing again! Milk and Egg shares will be ongoing. We will contact you directily to manage any changes we need to make in pick up day. Please feel free to reach out with questions. Milk jars will need to be returned the day you pick up your milk or we won’t have them to fill for the following week. No exceptions!