Happy Spring!

We are so excited with all the baby plants around here! We are about to plant some basil out in the green house and I wish I could do a scratch and sniff Instagram post! Along with the baby tomatoes popping up, I am ready for summer and BLT's! But without getting ahead of myself, I will tell you what else has been keeping us busy! We are all settled in with the new cow (Timmy named her Ducklegs)! She has decided she likes us afterall....whew, training new cows is always hard, but this one was particularly challenging. All is well now also with her calf "peekaboo" who would love a pat from you when you come to the farm store.The farmer girls have been hatching eggs in the incubator and having lots of fun with baby chicks, ducks and they even have some goose eggs that are fertile. It took three years for our geese to decide to like each other enough to have fertile eggs! Very exciting. Gracie is in charge of the hatching and doing a great job with it! But we all like to help her.We have some new soap flavors coming to the cabin soon, so stay tuned! We are about to make a goat milk soap that we only offer seasonally when we have goat milk! Our "man" soap is back in stock finally, pick up a bar of 'Real Blokes Soap' next time for a special man in your life. It has a great woodsy smell.Here are some great recipe ideas for this weeks share:Young chardBeets Mashed beets anyone?Cabbage and purple radish slaw What a different slaw, so good!SpinachSweet Potatoes Fries! But I always use lard or coconut oil instead of a vegetable oil!Enjoy and have a great Easter!Blessings,The Bakers