Week 4 Summer CSA

Well, the sunshine is back and the garden and farmers are thankful! We have some delicious salad and veggies coming your way this week! Baby leaf lettuce, head lettuce, cucumbers, radishes, baby bok choi, and lacinato kale! We have been enjoying lots of salads and we made rabbit pie with bok choi and chard. We had some very old and sad looking white sweet potatoes and here is what we did: (Inspired by attempting to make out of season shepherds pie.)I cooked one rabbit (purchased from the Day Spring Farm kids) in the instant pot with 3/4 cup water and salt and herbs for 15 minutes. While it was cooking I chopped a bunch of chard, stems and all and 3 baby bok choi and sauteed them. Then added 2 cups of frozen marinara (from last summer) and covered to simmer. Then I took the rabbit out of the pot to cool and added the peeled sweet potatoes cut into 3 hunks. I let them cook on high in the instant pot for 20 minutes and I went out to harvest lettuce for CSA. When we headed in we pulled the rabbit off the bones and added to the simmering veggies and sauce. Then drained and mashed the sweet potato with some butter and salt and topped the dish with them. Pictures on facebook and instagram, let's just say yum, it was a hit! So we named it rabbit pie! When the carrots are back in season, we will do shepherds pie!I also can't wait to make this cocoa as a treat now that I have more gelatin. Don't get me wrong homemade bone broth from your bones and chicken backs is an excellent way to get nutrients, but this is one fun way!Frothy Hot Cocoa(and if there are leftovers that you put in the fridge they become pudding!)4 Cups Raw Whole Milk1/3 Cup Cocoa Powder1/4 Cup Raw Honey or Maple Syrup1/4 Cup Grass Fed Gelatin2 Tbs Grass-fed Butter2 Tbs Coconut Oil1 tsp VanillaHeat 3 3/4 cups of milk in a pan. In a small bowl mix the remaining 1/4 cup milk with gelatin, honey and cocoa powder. Stir with a small whisk until a smooth paste is formed. Pour the cocoa paste into the heated milk and whisk until smooth. Add the butter and coconut oil. Whip in a blender or with an immersion blender until frothy. Serve with whipped cream for an extra fun treat! Yeild: 4 servings (We always double.)For the holiday we will be mostly gardening and tending the animals, but we will set aside some time to grill some of our beef and play some games. Our favorite hamburgers are easy, just thaw your ground beef, mix in some of our garlic herb rub (located in the cabin store) and shape! Did you know if you push a dent into your burger before cooking that it won't puff up and get rounded on top? Then it cooks evenly and isn't too fat for a bun. Can't wait!We hope you have a great holiday weekend and enjoy your food!Blessings,The Bakers