Fall is around the corner

We are awaiting the cooler weather and so is the garden! The summer crops are still pumping, like eggplant, peppers, tomatoes and green beans. We are having a slow okra season, but hope for a bumper crop soon. Some of you are cheering and some are groaning, I hear you! I love okra any way I use it but I find first time okra fans like this post might help. I love it just plain roasted with butter and garlic and salt, you know me....I don't usually use a recipe, but here is one if you need some guidelines (but skip the bad oil and double the butter).The Squash is back after two successions were mysteriously killed buy some weather issue or bug we couldn't determine. Potatoes, garlic , onions are abundant and sweet potatoes will be harvested in the next month. Which brings me to the mystery green this week.....did anyone know what it was?Sweet potato greens are a wonderful treat and full of vitamins and minerals! Here are some fun ideas for using it.Farm baby updates, we have two precious calves doing great on their nurse cow mama Elise. She had suffered an abscess on her leg and wasn't able to do the long walk back and forth to the pasture we rotate. As we needed her nearby for treatment and nursing back to health we decided a more gentle way to handle her full bag of milk was to let two calves nurse her. She has taken to them splendidly and is healing nicely. She will begin to put weight back on now that she is healing. Next farm baby expected is a baby Baker, due date December 31st!For canning and freezing ideas look here and here. We love to make double when we cook and freeze for a busy day.Don't forget meat pick up from 2-4 this Thursday in the cabin or during regular pick up hours at your dropsite!Keep your eyes open for a special invitation to a fall farm visit we are planning!Blessings,The Bakers