Last Meat Pick up for Winter!

Well, Spring is really do I know? Because there is so much happening we are going in all directions! It's what makes farming fun, some days you have everything planned out and operating smoothly and others don't seem to have enough hours in them! We have been planting like crazy in the field already. It's lovely planting in the greenhouse, but when you get back to field planting it just feels exciting! Another year is fresh and ready for us! We have done all the onions and potatoes, the first spring plantings of kale, broccoli, lettuces, cauliflower, cabbages, collards, bok choi, and romanesco. The greenhouse is full of ginger, turmeric and cucumbers! Wow!Our special cow Ruby is due to have her first baby soon, and the newest little one in the front field is "Lilly Pop", named by our friends son. She was born a few weeks ago to Libby. Petunia is also due soon! Babies everywhere! The chicks are all growing great and almost ready to head to pasture. Just in time as the grass starts to green up. The rabbitry is full of rabbits as well.What is going on in the kitchen? Well we decided to do a home school study of countries and their foods so we will be sharing from time to time what delicious dishes we are trying. Maybe a week of each country? We started already with the Irish potato coddle we shared a few weeks ago. It's super yummy and will eat it again. We have friends in Ireland so they recommended trying this wonderful breakfast, Potato Apple Farls!I'm so excited about our new herbal item, Moon Milk! I've been taking it a few days now and I think it's helping already. Since Johnny's hospital stay, the farm mama has been having trouble sleeping deeply. Most of that can't be helped since the farm baby keeps me up all hours! But when I get a chance to actually sleep, I find it hard to. The moon milk is supposed to help your sleep be deeper and a large variety of other things including help with adrenal fatigue! Read all about it and find the ingredients here, oh and I added black pepper to help with turmeric absorption.This week is the last meat pick up for Winter CSA, so if you haven't signed up already please e-mail us soon. PLEASE remember the pick up days and times: Thursday 2-4 and Saturday 3-5.The website inquiry button isn't being reliable so if you signed up and haven't heard from us please email or call. We don't want you to miss out!Have a great day!Your farmers,The Bakers