Happy Mother's Day!!


We hope all of you, have a lovely weekend and special day Sunday! We are praying the Lord’s joy to be your strength each day. Whether or not you get to celebrate in the way you would choose, please enjoy your day and count your blessings, they are many!

Well if things weren’t weird enough, we have really cold weather past our usual frost date! But it keeps us on our toes! After we all got in bed last night and I heard the wind howl I remembered two areas of garden that weren’t covered in frost blankets. The baby lettuce and the pak choi and napa cabbage! So the guys sweetly got up and dressed and went to care for the crops! They returned singing (and waking me up) at 11:30! The napa cabbage and pak choi was being munched on by some bugs (it’s a good way to know your produce is organic…..if there are some bug wholes in it!) so we had uncovered it to get some sunshine and wind on it and forgot to recover! The baby lettuce is just in a different area and we had overlooked it. So it all got tucked into bed a little late, but in time to be safe from the freeze.

We have another group of chicks in the brooder and they are snug and cozy. The grass is growing great and we have lots to be thankful for! The baby calves are getting bigger each day. I am so thankful for a few sunny days. The squash in the green house is growing so slowly with the lack of sunshine, but before long it will be coming along faster than we can all eat it! We trellised cucumbers in the greenhouse yesterday and can’t wait for them!

We made some amazing meals with week. We sauteed the ramps, mushrooms, and collards in some butter and it was so wonderful and flavorful! Last night we used our instant pot sesame chicken recipe, but used a ham roast instead and added powdered ginger and it was awesome! Nice and filling on a cold evening. Of course the pak choi on the side was super, just sauteed with a little butter, we served it all over rice. The napa cabbage will be our dinner tonight along with some cooked chicken. I like to make an asian dressing and toss it all together like slaw. I love easy meals that are full of whole foods.

The herbal shares last week were some herbal teas, one of which called Smile Tea, is a family favorite. It’s similar to our herbal calcium, but has hibiscus in it. It’s great for hormone health, bones and just has so many vitamins and minerals in it! Also a good cough syrup is always good to have on hand, if you haven’t used it yet then just put it in the freezer. I have a section of my freezer for herbal goodies so when sickness does strike I don’t have to start making things, I just dig around and pull out what I have stored.

Enjoy, Be Well and God Bless,

Your Farmers