Summer CSA is right around the corner

Planting Kohlrabi, spring is so full of hope. The days may be cloudy and chilly, but warm days and good food are heading this way!

We are excited to have space available in our Summer CSA starting in May. We have openings for Meat, Veggie, Milk and Egg shares. We have been planting lots and it all looks great! We have lots of baby animals being born also. Make sure you look for the new calf, Daffodil, the new baby lambs and we will start having baby chicks out to see in May. Warm weather, good food and good times are coming!

Chicken tea party is great fun when it’s cold outside!

We bought a new rotary shredder for cheese and have found it is so fun and easy to shred the radishes and carrots for on top of salads! I am usually a lazy salad person and just do lettuce, but this is game changing and it’s easy to chew for little folks. Not to mention pretty and delicious! The best part is the little children can use it safely and so they are a big help with dinner prep.

Our pick up schedule for the remaining csa is this week the 14th and 16th, then we have a break before Summer CSA begins May 5th and 7th. We will have milk and eggs available on the “off” weeks and will have veggies for sale in the cabin, self serve. We will be enjoying a staycation for our family to revive after a difficult season and we will be getting new systems in place to make running our farm without our biggest farmer boy, Tommy, more manageable for us all. Prayers are appreciated as we navigate each new season and allow God to gently lead us through our grief. We are so thankful for a patient and kind, loving God to help in this and all seasons. And for our community who is being used by God to minister to us! We are thankful for you all.


Your farmers