Cute babies and New farm procedures


Well, the new calf (picture on FB) isn’t the only cute thing happening around here! We have so many cute bunnies, hoping to hop home with you soon! These Holland Lop babies are ready to go anytime or can be held until Easter. They will mature at about 4 pounds and make great pets. Sapphire’s baby girl is doing well and is almost named, so if you have any more suggestions please go to facebook to make an entry. We are still waiting for Rosemary to have her baby, like I said it’s usually a bull and a week late!

The veggies this week are: Kale, Lettuce, Napa Cabbage (great recipe posted on facebook), cabbage, white sweet potatoes and carrots. We love cooking our white sweet potatoes as mashed potatoes or baking them. I find they take a little longer to bake, but become so sweet and yummy! Enjoy! Anyway, now that you are smiling, let’s cover some details.



We have a few changes to CSA this coming pick up. Meat pick ups will be, as usual, the first Thursday and Saturday of the month, April 2nd and 4th. Due to the current situation and keeping everyone safe, we have made a meat order form for you to fill out so we can have your custom meat share packed and ready for you. This eliminates folks touching all the packages, but still gives you your first choice in cuts. The sheets will have to be filled out by no later than MARCH 31st to allow us time to pack them for you. We appreciate your patience as we learn how to best serve you during this, and we look forward to resuming our normal systems!


We would like to ask that at this time you enter the farm store, one family at a time, to be courteous to others. We are doing our best to keep the cabin sanitized, but giving other’s their space would be appreciated. Please continue to visit the calves, rabbits, horses and pet chickens nearby the cabin. They love to be visited and it’s great for your spirits and your children’s! This is a busy time for us, so for your safety please note these are the areas you are permitted to visit on your own. We enjoy sharing these areas with you and appreciate you respecting our space as well. The gardens and greenhouses will be open for touring at some point(though the spring Farm Tour will probably be cancelled), but please do not enter these areas otherwise.


Egg cartons are hard to come by right now. So please (if yous are clean) return them to us. We can only use our cartons, not ones from the store. We are doing a quarantine on the cartons before we reuse them to make sure they are safe. But the more we have to rotate the better. We appreciate your help!

Thank you for allowing us to help feed your family!


The Bakers