Week 2

We are excited to get the summer 2019 Summer CSA underway. It's so nice to see so many return customers and also new "farm-ily" members! We hope you are enjoying the wide array of green things! We have been loving the napa cabbage, it's great used as cabbage or lettuce. My favorite quick meal is finely chopped napa cabbage, a handful of shredded roots (like carrots or beets), a large handful of chopped chives or onions, some cooked chopped chicken, a handful of chopped almonds and dressing of choice. All tossed together, it's so filling and quick! We also like to make a quick oriental dish by sauteing some onions and chopped bok choi with some ground beef and ginger and liquid aminos. This time of year we need quick food fast since there is much to do! The baby salad this week is so tender and mild, it's awesome salad growing weather! The cucumbers are right around the corner!We have so many new babies around here! There are two barn kittens, 3 orphan goats from a friends farm, the calves are growing and are oh so cute! Just last night as I was harvesting red clover for teas and tinctures I heard some new, high pitched goat noises and sure enough.....2 more baby nigerian dwarfs were born! Talk about cuteness! Heidi had a boy and a girl.We were weeding all the garlic and onions last evening and saw a big black snake at work for us! He or she was hunting moles and voles that like to chew on things in the garden. Thankful for his help, I think, but I wish we worked different hours! The garden is coming along so well, the tomatoes look great! The peppers are coming slowly, but given the hot days we've had they will be very happy soon!The huge freezer that stores the farm meat wasn't working right after pick up Saturday. That is on of our BIGGEST fears! We rely on it working properly to keep a lot of meat safe. The defrost cycle wouldn't work so Farmer Sean was doing it manually. This is totally out of my expertise, but it had something to do with a propane torch inside the freezer, melting ice off some coils.....doesn't sound fun! It took about two hours! So after his trip into the artic we called some professionals! We had some great friends offer their chest freezer to help, but sadly it would take about 10 chest freezers to do the job.....so we got the first repair man that could come on his way. Two guys worked tirelessly for 10 hours to get it working well. So thankful it's back to normal!Don't forget the farm tour is coming up next weekend. May 18-19th from 10-4 daily. We hope to see you there!Blessings,The Farmers