Couple of facts

Remember soon, everything will be lush and green again :)

Remember soon, everything will be lush and green again :)

Hello Friends,

First we want to start with, we are praying for you all and our country. We will continue to use strict standards in our harvesting and packing procedures to ensure safe, clean food for you and your families. We are so thankful for local, organic food! We are cleaning the cabin door and handles frequently for everyone’s safety. Please let us know if you will not be picking up your share so we can donate it to someone who can use it while it’s still fresh. We will continue to operate as usual unless things change. Thank you for your trust and support.

FEW SPACES REMAIN IN THE SUMMER CSA! Please sign up asap for the few remaining spaces for CSA. Details on the website. We only grow a certain amount each year and will not have empty shelves! We will provide good food for you our members! But planting time is NOW and we need to know how many of you to plant for. We have farm pick up, and purcellville and broadlands delivery sites. Inquire for details.

We have been making really nourishing meals here to keep everyone healthy and cutting out all sugar (except honey and maple syrup of course)! Try this soup: 1 quart broth, 2 cups water, 1 large sweet potato (peeled and chopped small), 2 carrots sliced, 1 bag young kale (chopped) and 2 pounds day spring sausage browned. Even on the stove it took me 30 mins to have it ready and it felt so good to eat! Good food keeps your spirits up and your body running well!

Herbal shares for March were Elderberry gummies, Elderberry syrup (the last of it for now) and herbal tea. The herbal calcium is perfect for hormone health and as a daily vitamin! The gummies can be frozen (indefinitely) or fresh for about a week, but in these times….eat them up! Either one a day or the whole tub, your choice! The syrup should be refrigerated and taken a spoonful a day.

We are on baby watch still with two calves expected soon and the baby chicks in the brooder. We can’t wait to share pics! With kids at home from school feel free to let them say hello to the calf “Mercy”, the horses and the rabbits when you come for your shares. And grab some free sunshine while your here!

So please remember to slow down, smile, soak up some sunshine and remain calm. Whatever will come will not be a surprise for our Heavenly Father.

Psalm 9:10 ‘and they that know they name will put their trust in thee: for though, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.’ KJV


Your Farmers