Soak up the sunshine


Since the plants are happy, we are happy! The sunshine and nice weather makes us all want to sing and play out side! It’s also time to start getting into the dirt! We replant all during the year in the greenhouse but we have started planning when to get growing the in the field again! Something to be thankful for! So join us in getting our Vit. D and soak up some sun from your porch or better yet the swing set! Now we are just praying we don’t have a hard freeze since fruit trees are already budding out. We have at least a month until we are clear for that so remember to pray for your local fruit trees!

This week are are focusing on our greens! I am trying to make two meals a day that have greens. It doesn’t have to be tons, but each child is getting some greens twice a day. Especially some kraut for good immune function and digesting all these great foods. We are feasting on Sweet potatoes, carrots, beets, baby kale, mustard greens, and spinach. So eat up! Planning ahead this time of year is essential for me since we are entering the busy season on the farm. We try and think two days in advance for our meat so we can thaw it ahead of time. Cooking is so easy when you think ahead.

We are on baby watch again with two mama cows! The three in the barn are doing all they can to make sure you all get milk. So if you notice your jars are a tiny bit less full than usual, it’s because we share the wealth and share the lean times too! We have been able to fill everyone still, but just slightly under the normal fill line. Thanks for understanding we are not the grocery store! However when these two mamas give birth and have fed their calves for a week, they will then begin to produce more than their calves can drink so there will be plenty for the humans once again! Plus two new sweet babies to visit!

Speaking of visiting….Last week when we were off the farm picking up our pork from the butcher and some soil amendments we got a call from a farm member that our calf was loose. So she put her in the front yard for us until we got home. Well she must like getting out on Thursdays because this morning she met us at the door and when the girls opened it for her she ventured in for a tour!

It’s never dull here folks!

Please have a restful and healthy weekend!


The Bakers