Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


This weeks line up made me think of ornaments as we were packing for you! Spaghetti squash, potatoes, beets, brussels sprouts, napa cabbage and onions. We still had frozen weather so we relied more heavily on roots and storage crops. The outdoor plantings were still frozen under! Things should be warming up for next week so we will welcome the greens back!

We hope you had a wonderful Christmas! We enjoyed a lot of time around the fireplace and a lot of family time, some quiet and some very rowdy! But mostly we enjoyed rethinking everything we were thankful for. Good food and good friends and family are a few of them.

Leading up to Christmas we had more lively times than we had wanted. We had another wild calf birth, but that story can wait for another time! Let’s just say not all cows are friendly and able to be homestead milk cows. The ending is that we have another lovely heifer calf. The little purple calf barn is full of sweet little Jersey girls. Farmer Tommy’s new project is here! We will have some pictures next week, but the sheep have arrived!

We enjoyed some brined hams for Christmas, along with brussels sprouts and broccoli we had frozen a few weeks ago. A nice simple, but satisfying meal and we started a new tradition! We made s’mores around the fireplace for dessert. Not my typical fancy dessert, but sometimes it’s a good time for something different. As much work as the farm had for us prior to Christmas, and we were all thankful for something easy!

Enjoy your goodies and health!


The Bakers