Adding to the flock!

Farm baby meets the other babies!

Farm baby meets the other babies!

We have been adding heritage breeds to our flock of chickens. Why? The main breed we keep is a commercial breed meant for laying large amounts of eggs over a year or two and not being super winter hardy. We love them for what they do for us, which is make a lot of eggs and eat our grass and bugs! They aren’t as pretty as the heritage breeds with fancy feathers and they don’t weigh very much so they aren’t great for eating. Though they do make nutritious soup and broth. The heritage breeds are more dual purpose, they don’t lay as many eggs, but they are heavier bodied (the breeds we chose) so they are a good all purpose chicken. The roosters are nice big birds that make a good Sunday supper! But for now they are just super cute!

This week we added some greens to the shares……beet greens! Super nutritious and full of vitamins and minerals. We enjoy these greens sautéed with some onions, also in your shares this week! Full shares have the last of the bak choi for a little while. More baby choi coming along soon! Oh and the tomatoes are planted in the greenhouse! Oh yay! We can’t wait for summer. What patience we have learned by gardening. It takes so long to care for something before you can eat it! :)

Remember this is the second to last pick up for winter CSA! Look for your invoices to be coming soon for the next season. We’ve been so busy planting we haven’t had time for the computer work! Enjoy your goodies!


The Farmers

The photos below were taken by Farmer Grace along the power line nearby where the fire started a few weeks ago. The slice of tree that she held in front of the camera is from a cedar tree that was on fire and got cut down to keep the sparks from spreading. I love the focus of the first one. It’s on the slice of wood and the perspective is only inches in front of her. The background, which is the bigger picture is blurry. The second picture is the opposite. Isn’t it funny how perspective changes everything? We were made in the image of God, but not all knowing like Him. We can choose which perspective to see from, but we can’t see from every angle. In troubling times it’s so helpful to rely on His knowledge and perspective and just trust Him.

Romans 12:2 - And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.